Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Bly Reporting In!

Who is Bly?

Who is this Bly person? That is the question which I have been asking myself ever since I was born and I still don't completely know the answer to said question. I have been using the name Bly for a long, long time. Well not really that long. I have only been using this name ever since I got into online gaming which started many years ago. And I am not all that creative so I stole the name from a character in Star Wars that only Star Wars geeks would know (1), such as me. Well that is enough about the name. Lets get onto who I am. I am a Simulation and Game Programming and Design student who finds computers, games, and war interesting. Like really interesting. Like waaaaaay too interesting. So if you want rants about these things you came to the right place. 

What do I do?

So what exactly am I doing here and what will I write on this blog? Well I research, design, and program games and simulation. So you will get rants about my findings or updates on what I am doing. I also play quite a few games and simulations so I will talk about what I am doing with those and may provide AARs which are just rundowns of what happened while I was playing and what was going through my head. Lastly, I will ramble about whatever is on my mind. 

Closing thoughts...

Well, I given my condensed spiel on who I am and what I do. If this looks like something you may be interested in or even mildly curious about you should stick around. I have a program which I have been reading up on and designing that may be of interest to the wargamers in the crowd. This will be one from the Prussian history books. I also have been fooling around with a computer wargame by John Tiller Software. So I may start talking about that. And that is all I got for now. Goodbye and goodnight everybody...


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